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replace text inside sql with XML output

I have this query:

SELECT [content_id]
  FROM content ct 

where folder_id=126
order by content_title
  FOR XML PATH('PressRelease'), ROOT ('PressReleases')

When I run this query this is the XML file that is generated:

        &lt;Description&gt;&lt;p class="customHeader"&gt;jobs to Philadelphia.&lt;/p&gt;
        &lt;p&gt;mtext in here.&lt;/p&gt;
        &lt;p&gt;mtext in here.&lt;/p&gt;
        &lt;SEO&gt;&lt;h1&gt;Pennsylvania Location&lt;/h1&gt;
        &lt;div class="bulletRightBar"&gt; The move was made possible in part by the Philadelphia Jobs 

What I need is this XML file:

        <Description>&lt;p class="customHeader"&gt;jobs to Philadelphia.&lt;/p&gt;
        &lt;p&gt;mtext in here.&lt;/p&gt;
        &lt;p&gt;mtext in here.&lt;/p&gt;
        <SEO>&lt;h1&gt;Pennsylvania Location&lt;/h1&gt;
        &lt;div class="bulletRightBar"&gt; The move was made possible in part by the Philadelphia Jobs 

Inside the <content_html> I want to make <root> <date> and <Description> as XML elements but leave the rest as encoded html.

Here's a screenshot for the sql resultenter image description here

like image 607
IndieTech Solutions Avatar asked Feb 22 '16 16:02

IndieTech Solutions

1 Answers

It's not pretty, but you could cast the XML field as a string, use the REPLACE function and cast it back to XML like below. You might want to create a function that does this as the line would get with a lot of replacing:

SELECT [content_id]
      ,cast(REPLACE(cast([content_html] as varchar(max)),'&lt;root&gt;','<root>') as xml)
  FROM content ct 

where folder_id=126
order by content_title
  FOR XML PATH('PressRelease'), ROOT ('PressReleases')

or here is a way to call it with a function

        (@XML_Field XML)

 DECLARE @xml varchar(max) 
 DECLARE @xml_Mid varchar(max)
 DECLARE @strtBigInt bigint
 , @endBigInt bigint

 SET @xml = cast(@XML_Field as varchar(max))
 SET @strtBigInt = CHARINDEX('&lt;Description&gt;',@xml)
 SET @endBigInt = CHARINDEX('&lt;/SEO&gt;',@xml)

 SET @xml_Mid = SUBSTRING(@xml, @strtBigInt+19,@endBigInt-@strtBigInt-19);

 RETURN(cast(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(substring(@xml,0,@strtBigInt+19),'&lt;','<'),'&gt;','>') +    @xml_Mid +  REPLACE(REPLACE(substring(@xml,@endBigInt,Len(@xml)),'&lt;','<'),'&gt;','>'),'&lt;/Description&gt;','</Description>'),'&lt;SEO&gt;','<SEO>') as xml));

Then use the funtion in your code:

SELECT [content_id]
      ,dbo.XML_Replace([content_html]) as content_html
  FROM content ct 

where folder_id=126
order by content_title
  FOR XML PATH('PressRelease'), ROOT ('PressReleases')
like image 100
Wyatt Shipman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10

Wyatt Shipman