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SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0: Error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified

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Using LINQPad to insert data into a SQL CE Database, Linq-to-sql, gets slower over time, anything I can do about it?

c# sql-server-ce linqpad

Inserting into SQL Server CE database file and return inserted id

c# sql-server-ce

How do you disable all table indexes in sql server compact edition via an SqlCeCommand Object?

c# indexing sql-server-ce ddl

How to get started with SQL Server Compact 4.0?


using SQL Server Compact Edition in ASP.NET websites

Convert .sdf database to .mdf database

Create database file (.sdf) if doesn't exists?

How to change column's type in SQL Server CE?

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Select newly added Row - DataGridView and BindingSource

exception with Linq to SQL using sdf file

Order of operations for SQL?

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How do I upgrade Umbraco CMS from using SQL Server CE to an upgraded version of SQL Server?

SQL Server Compact does not support calls to HasRows property if the underlying cursor is not scrollable."


EF entity.attach does not work

How can I determine whether a column exists in a SQL Server CE table with C#?

C# - Insert null into SQL Compact Edition table

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Select the first two character in SQL Server CE

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How can I programmatically determine if a table exists within a SQL Server CE database?

Compare 2 result sets without INTERSECT

sql sql-server-ce