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New posts in lme4

nlmer longitudinal data

r lme4

R stargazer, lme4 and lmerTest incompatibility

r latex lme4 stargazer

Prediction with lme4 on new levels

Install lme4 from CRAN on Ubuntu

r lme4

plm or lme4 for Random and Fixed Effects model on Panel Data

r lme4 panel-data plm

glmer logit - interaction effects on probability scale (replicating `effects` with `predict`)

R-Squared of lmer model fit

r lme4

warning messages when trying to run glmer in r

r lme4

Multivariate Linear Mixed Model in lme4

r lme4

increase iterations for new version of lmer?

r iteration lme4 lmer

Speed up lmer function in R

Any way to produce a LaTeX table from an lme4 mer model fit object?

r latex lme4

Convergence error for development version of lme4

r lme4 convergence

How to get coefficients and their confidence intervals in mixed effects models?

Plot random effects from lmer (lme4 package) using qqmath or dotplot: How to make it look fancy?

r ggplot2 lme4 random-effects

Linear mixed model with crossed repeated effects and AR1 covariance structure, in R

r lme4 mixed-models nlme

Extract random effect variances from lme4 mer model object

r random effects lme4

Restart mixed effect model estimation with previously estimated values

r lme4 mixed-models lmer