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New posts in linq-to-entities

LINQ to Entities - Dynamic select for specify columns

LINQ to SQL query has wrong values in results

EF orderby / thenby combo extension method

Linq to Entities subquery to fill array?

Linq Navigation Properties complex where ID in (select id from...)

Adding to the Where clause of an Update in LinQ-to-Entities

Is it possible to update a sql database schema from an edmx in Visual Studio 2008?

Entity Framework + MySQL - Why is the performance so terrible?

How do I add a navigation property for a Entity Framework Complex Type

Linq to entities - searching in EntityCollection navigation properties

Displaying data from multiple tables in a view as a list - ASP.Net MVC

What is the return type for a anonymous linq query select? What is the best way to send this data back?

Union order in Linq to Entities

How to maintain transaction in Linq To Entites

Include using Lambda expression

Optimizing performance of flexible Linq to Entity criteria when retrieving rows from huge database

Many to Many select in LINQ to Entities

How can I convert an ObjectResult<T> to IQueryable<T>?

LINQ Query returns multiple copies of first result

.Where(<condition>).FirstOrDefault() vs .FirstOrDefault(<condition>)
