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New posts in linq-to-entities

How to Fetch Data from database using Entity Framework 6

LINQ to Entities OrderBy Expression Tree

The argument types 'Edm.String' and 'Edm.Int32' are incompatible for this operation

How to perform 'OR' operation between several where conditions in LINQ

How do I extend ADO.NET Entity Framework objects with partial classes?

How can I bind my view model to a jqGrid?

Save a relation with between two entities an N-N association

LINQ Join on multiple fields

DbSet<T>.Include() causes SELECT N+1 when used in extension method

Entity Framework Code First 4.3 / LINQKit predicate for related table

How to write LINQ query with column name as parameter still in a type safe way

Count of flattened parent child association in LINQ

c# linq linq-to-entities

How do I do this in Entity Framework (multiple where's or Join)?

Can Entity Framework deal with multiple result sets (each from joined tables) from a stored procedure?

Linq-to-Entities: Format Date in select query expression

Linq Paging - How to incorporate total record count

linq linq-to-entities

Does Linq to SQL or Linq to Entities 4.0 support the hierarchyid datatype

want a Query to make order by variable in Linq query

How to create an Expression Tree to do something similar to the SQL "Like " command

Nested LINQ returning a this method cannot be translated into a store expression exception

c# linq-to-entities