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New posts in licensing

License Generation for Electron-based apps [closed]

LGPL-like license for a header-only C++ library [closed]

How to use an Open Source License [closed]

open-source licensing

Will MSDN product keys still work after the subscription is expired? [closed]

licensing bizspark

Software protection and license management [closed]

.net licensing license-key

Upload NuGet package, how to set the license?

nuget licensing

Tool to determine licenses for pom.xml dependencies [duplicate]

maven-2 licensing

My app got rejected from google play due to some issue with network policy?

How can I make my application have a 30 day trial period [duplicate]

c# winforms licensing trial

Forking an Apache License v2 open source project and copyright notices [closed]

open-source licensing

amazon app store and android licensing LVL

Is Java EE 6 all for free? [closed]

How to prevent usage of expired license through system clock tampering? [closed]

java licensing ntp systemtime

What license do I need to use gSOAP in a commercial product? [closed]

open-source licensing gsoap

switching license from GPL to BSD in later time [closed]

open-source licensing gpl

What is the reason to use OpenJDK?

java licensing

Is Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 compatible with GPL v2+? [closed]


Non-startup Microsoft ISV development, on the cheap? [closed]

licensing msdn

Am I allowed to use Wikipedia content? [closed]

licensing wikipedia

Why does software have EULA? [closed]

licensing history eula