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Will MSDN product keys still work after the subscription is expired? [closed]

Will the product keys received through the BizSpark program still work after the MSDN subscription expires?

I'm currently using Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2013 which I got through BizSpark. I was wondering what happens when the subscription ends. Will all my installed products expire or can I still use the claimed keys after the subscription ends?

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sgtfrankieboy Avatar asked Feb 27 '14 11:02


People also ask

What happens when MSDN subscription expires?

If your subscription is eligible, you'll continue to have access to your current version of the IDE but won't receive updates to future versions. To continue using the IDE after expiration, go to the product key page and download the product key before your subscription expires.

Do MSDN Product Keys expire?

The product key doesn't expire and the subscription doesn't start until you actually redeem the product key. As an Office 365 subscriber, you can contact support to get help with account and billing issues.

How do I know when my MSDN subscription expires?

In the Account box, subscription details including Subscriber ID, subscription level, name and email address are displayed, as well as subscription status and expiration date. The Subscriber Benefits box shows the benefits that are available with your subscription.

Where are my MSDN Product Keys?

Sign in to your Visual Studio subscription. You must be signed in to download products or claim product keys. Select the Product Keys tab. Product keys are listed alphabetically by the name of the product.

1 Answers

A quick answer before this gets closed...my recent experience with MSDN is that

  • keys that do not require activation continue to work indefinitely
  • products that have been activated continue to work indefinitely
  • keys that require activation are historically quite variable in behaviour, but now mostly will no longer activate after your subscription has expired.
  • you cannot claim new keys once your subscription expires.

MSDN is an amazing resource and very reasonably priced. Best thing is to regard it as a lifetime subscription. Having said that, we usually make sure we claim a few extra keys before we roll over each subscription. Some work, some don't.

Microsoft has been unhelpful in providing information about this, which I find quite understandable.

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david.pfx Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
