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GNU Lesser GPL, application sell? [duplicate]




Possible Duplicate:
Using LGPL library in a commercial Java application

Hello guys!

There is a project under the GNU Lesser GPL license. I want to use this project in my application. Can I sell my application using this license?

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Infinite Possibilities Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 07:01

Infinite Possibilities

People also ask

Can I sell LGPL software?

Yes, you can distribute your software without making the source code public and without giving recipients the right to make changes to your software. The LGPL license explicitly allows such usages of libraries/packages released under that license. for LGPLv2.

Can LGPL license be used commercially?

You can use and distribute LGPL libraries on your website and use them in combination with commercial code. The only big restriction is that you must keep the library open source, including any modifications you make to it, and allow your users to obtain the source, licence and copyright information for the library.

Is GNU LGPL copyleft?

Like the others, it was published by the Free Software Foundation as part of Richard Stallman's GNU Project. And like the others, it's a copyleft license. But unlike the GPLs and AGPL, the LGPL is what's known as a “weak copyleft” license.

What is difference between GPL and LGPL?

LGPL allows you to use and distribute the open source software with your application without releasing the source code for your application. GPL requires you to release the source code of your application if you choose to use and distribute the GPL licensed open source software with your application.

2 Answers

In a nutshell, the idea of LGPL'd projects (usually libraries) is that you are free to use them as you wish in your own application, be it open or closed source, free or proprietary - as long as you publish the source code of the LGPL'd part (if you modify the LGPL'd part, you must publish the modified sources, under LGPL).

Additionally, the libraries must be linked dynamically so that they could be replaced to another version by the user if he so wishes. For libraries (.dll, .so, .jar...), this is usually self-evident. Side note: this is inherently pointless requirement, because nothing requires that your application works with any other library version than the one that you originally provided. You could even actively prevent your application from working with other versions.

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Joonas Pulakka Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 22:09

Joonas Pulakka

You can use LPGLed libs with your proprietary software, but there are some restrictions you must observe. Better read the LGPL carefully and contact a lawyer.

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Erich Kitzmueller Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 22:09

Erich Kitzmueller