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New posts in legacy-code

What are the main syntax changes in Ruby 1.9?

How to avoid Eclipse warnings when using legacy code without generics?

java generics legacy-code

CQRS with Legacy Systems

Is there only one unnamed namespace per compilation unit?

Python: Detect code which gets never executed in production

How to make an internal Java package accessible in Eclipse?

How do I unit test a class with nasty dependencies without a mock framework?

Should I really massively introduce the explicit keyword?

How to use the Symfony 2 Container in a legacy app

Where is it better to put the initialization code, before the loop or inside it?

c legacy-code

What inherited code has impressed or inspired you?


Getting your head around other people's code

Single Table Inheritance and 'type' value for namespaced classes

How to start modification with big projects

c++ projects legacy-code

PHP Incorrect variable declaration

How do you start with FxCop on legacy code?

legacy fxcop legacy-code

No require, no include, no url rewriting, yet the script is executed without being in the url

How can I mark Perl code as deprecated?

How to implement large number of complex wrappers for legacy API/framework (C++ Macros vs. C++ Templates vs. Code generator)?

Generics in legacy code