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A set implementation in LaTeX?

latex list set

fresh installation of PGF/TikZ crashes, why?

latex tikz

Use LaTeX Listings to correctly detect and syntax highlight embedded code of a different language in a script

Latex: Different pages with different margins

debugging errors when you have document split into multiple files?

emacs latex

emacs: highlighting balanced expressions (eg. LaTeX tags)

regex emacs latex elisp auctex

WYSIWYG LaTeX editor for HTML [closed]

html latex wysiwyg

Convert HTML img tags into figures with caption in LaTeX

Transform source code into LaTeX

Latex to NSAttributedString?

Command for adding a LaTeX template to pandoc on R

r latex knitr rstudio pandoc

Changing tick label line spacing in matplotlib

Knitr: Display tilde ~ in beamer overlay

latex knitr beamer

emacs auctex 11.88: Symbol's value as variable is void: LaTeX-dialect

emacs latex auctex

wrapping wide table in rmarkdown

r latex r-markdown kable

Allowing includegraphics in LaTeX to include files with arbitrary filenames


Latex table multiple row and multiple column