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New posts in language-features

Ignore NullReferenceException when reading object properties

F# shorthand to call method on object in lambda

syntax f# language-features

What is the use of the := syntax?

Why is the order of declarations important for static initializers?

java language-features

how can I create a truly immutable doubly linked list in C#?

What does "this" mean when used as a prefix for method parameters?

Is java.lang.Math.PI equal to GCC's M_PI?

How are these type of python decorators written?

Something similar to sql IN statement within .NET framework?

c# .net language-features

What is the difference between Ruby and Python versions of"self"?

Why use Clone()?

c# language-features

Why does this code throw ReferenceError: test is not defined?

Does Perl language aim at producing fast programs at runtime?

How can I use named arguments in a decorator?

What features should C# 4.0 onwards have to encourage switching from Java? [closed]

val or object for immutable, final singleton object

How do I overload the in operator in Groovy?

What's the next big thing after LINQ? [closed]

java partial classes