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New posts in language-features

Python - do I need to learn about old style classes?

What are good resources on compilation? [duplicate]

GOTO command in PHP?

php language-features goto

Most useful or interesting new language features in Java 5 and 6?

What is a Pointer? [duplicate]

How do you find the caller function? [duplicate]

C to C++ : Transitioning from one language to the other [duplicate]

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Need some help with Scala's instance variables

Understanding Ruby Enumerable#map (with more complex blocks)

what python feature is illustrated in this code?

python language-features

How can I change a site's default language after creation (sharepoint 2010)?

Javascript losing context when hooking recursively

Package accessibility for function and/or class

c++ language-features

Static languages and Reflection

Which cards and compute capabilities are required to fully utilize CUDA 5's features [closed]

interface for only certain classes?

Do these two C++ initializer syntaxes ever differ in semantics?

Java Upside Down Text - Bug or Feature?

Is there a way of making C# binding work statically?

c# language-features

ConditionalAttribute and other special classes