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How can I change a site's default language after creation (sharepoint 2010)?

after creating a site you can go to:

Site Actions / Site Settings / Site Administration / Language Settings

and select some alternate language(s) if you've got some language pack(s) installed, but the default one is fix and you can't cange it anymore. Is there a way or some settings.file where you can change the default language?

like image 726
forgetitkk Avatar asked Aug 30 '10 10:08


People also ask

Why is my SharePoint in a different language?

Language PreferencesTo change your display language in a SharePoint environment, select the Pick a new language down arrow, select a language, and then Add. If you add multiple languages, you can re-order the languages or delete a language as described next for the Advanced Language settings.

Is it possible to change the default tenant language?

In general, every user can set his own language in the user settings (MyAccount - Settings - Language and Time zone), but there are also services where the default language cannot be changed afterwards.

1 Answers

OK, It's me again answering my own question(s)...


It works so good this sql_way! After searching around for so long time I've finally found this soluion! done in a few seconds!


like image 78
forgetitkk Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
