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Extending javascript with keywords

How to make switch case accept multiple data types in Java?

Convergence of Mathematics and Programming Languages

Programming Language Properties that facilitate refactoring?

Is JavaScript an application language?

What are some highly-regarded books on (modern or historic) programming language design?

Structure tag and name, why does a local variable declared as name compile?

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If Java has no Preprocessor what is "import"

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How can I pass my locals and access the variables directly from another function?

How does Smalltalk (Pharo for example) compare to Python?

Should Java break backwards compatibility in future versions for the benefit of a cleaner language? [closed]

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Displaying Hebrew text in a console

Should Microsoft avoid implementing a feature in .Net just because internationalising it is too difficult? [closed]

What features do you wish were in common languages? [closed]


Which C Features are influenced by/derived from C++ Features? [closed]

C++11 feature checking

Overview of features in Clojure coming from other languages than CL

Java ?: operator in vb.net

How to do lazy evaluation in Dart?

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Nested class with hidden constructor impossible in c#?