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Javascript: why Object.keys(someobject), rather than someobject.keys?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of separating declaration and definition as in C++?

Is there a C++ styled language without C trappings?

c++ language-design

Why do a lot of languages lack a logical XOR operator?

Why don't popular programming languages use some other character to delimit strings? [closed]

Why is there no string interpolation in Scala?

Why do raw types in one place cause generic callsites somewhere else to be treated as raw?

Languages and VMs: Features that are hard to optimize and why

Why built-in types in C# are language keywords?

c# language-design keyword

Why does scala.Serializable not specify any methods?

Why does erasure complicate implementing function types?

What is a cofunction and how would it work in Python?

C#, weird optimization

Implicit conversion from char to single character string

Why are modules explicitly named in files?

PHP default argument function call

Polymorphism by function parameter

What is the motivation of retrieving the length of an array using a public instance variable, instead of calling a method? [duplicate]

java arrays language-design

Why is a Boolean expression (with side effects) not enough as a statement?