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New posts in raw-types

Java Generics and Raw Types

java generics raw-types

Inconsistent ClassCastException thrown for Raw Types

Is this raw type assignment type-safe? List<T> = new ArrayList();

Parameterized type keys for Map

Why is List compatible with List<?> but List<List> is not with List<List<?>>? [duplicate]

Java cannot cast from list of raw generic type to list of wildcard generic type [duplicate]

Java Generics - raw type and parameterized type conversions

java generics raw-types

Unexpected adding String to List<Integers>

Explicit method type parameter ignored on a raw class type; compiler bug? [duplicate]

How to resolve `Raw use of parameterized class 'Comparable'` warning?

Scala class cant override compare method from Java Interface which extends java.util.comparator

What does <?> stand for in Java? [duplicate]

java raw-types

Why is Java (but not .NET) unable to accommodate generics without the need for raw types / type erasure?

Java generics and design patterns: not parameterizing a reference to a generic type is always a bad thing?

Why does using a generic class as raw type kill all contained generics? [duplicate]

java generics raw-types

Why does the Java Compiler complain on using foreach with a raw type? [duplicate]

Method references to raw types harmful?

Java 7 but not Java 6: "is not abstract and does not override abstract method"

List<List<?>> and List<List> are incompatible types in java [duplicate]

Why is it possible to get back an object of "incorrect-type" from the parametrized List in Java?