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New posts in language-design

Parsing "off-side" (indentation-based) languages

What are the ramifications of right-to-left and left-to-right associativity in C based languages?

The advantages of having static function like len(), max(), and min() over inherited method calls

python language-design

Are distinct open and close delimiters syntactically necessary?

Clojure Protocols vs Scala Structural Types

Why can't we create an instance of an abstract class?

Why does Java not have block-scoped variable declarations?

java syntax language-design

Pros and cons of Go rejecting unused dependencies

How could an idiomatic design of Serializable/Cloneable/... look like in Scala?

Why in CSS does '!' in have the opposite meaning to its use in C-based languages?

is javascript's `return` really a *keyword*?

How would you go about implementing off-side rule?

When can typeid return different type_info instances for same type?

On ruby, why include is private and extend is public?

Any BNF IDE with test features

Is it possible to create C# language modifications as did LINQ?

Which syntax options/language features did Scala remove over time (and why)? [closed]

Why can't I create an array of a generic type?

Why does `ScalaObject` exist?

What is the practical use for laziness as a built-in language feature?