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New posts in language-agnostic

What are CAD apps written in, and how are they organized? [closed]

Scripting Languages vs. Compiled Languages for web development


How should web sites deal with localization settings? (from “What are common UI misconceptions and annoyances?”)

How to write good Unit Tests in Functional Programming

Is "banker's rounding" really more numerically stable?

Mergesort - Is Bottom-Up faster than Top-Down?

Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time

Why is writing a closed TCP socket worse than reading one?

Crawling and Scraping iTunes App Store

Library/data structure for handling huge data

Resources for getting started with web development? [closed]


What should I put in header comments at the top of source files?

How can I help fellow students struggling in programming classes? [closed]


Stable, efficient sort?

How would you sort 1 million 32-bit integers in 2MB of RAM?

The value of hobby game development


memcached expiration time

Why do static Create methods exist?

Finding how many bits are on in a number

"Necessary" Uses of Recursion in Imperative Languages