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New posts in language-agnostic

Would there ever be a reason to write code in pure binary?

Why are many developers opposed to using the "protected" modifier in OOP?

c# java language-agnostic oop

On K.I.S.S and paving cowpaths [closed]

Do formal methods of program verfication have a place in industry?

Algorithm for joining e.g. an array of strings

Pseudo-random number generator

language-agnostic random

What's the difference between game development and business development?


Syntactic sugar vs. feature

Elegantly check if a given date is yesterday

Algorithm to find points that are furthest apart -- better than O(n^2)?

Should inheritance (of non-interface types) be removed from programming languages?

Google fuzzy search (a.k.a "suggestions"): What technique(s) are in use?

Is there any way to efficiently reconstruct a collection based on a sequence of inserts/removals?

optimal negative space between rectangles algorithm?

Place To get EULA and Other Legalese For Software? [closed]


How to balance number of ratings versus the ratings themselves?

Computing x mod y where y is not representable as floating point

Does a copy constructor/operator/function need to make clear which copy variant it implements?

Path generation for non-intersecting disc movement on a plane

How can I find words in matrix of letters