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New posts in language-agnostic

Where does the return value of called fn go when ignored?


What's the correct term for returning something as an out parameter?

An algorithm to find the nth largest number in two arrays of size n

Searching array reports "not found" even though it's found

Running time of set union operation

Algorithm for best suiting people's choices from a definite list of items where there is only one of each available?

What should programmers know when moving from XP/Vista to Windows 7?

Can a variable like 'int' be considered a primitive/fundamental data structure?

Automatic tracking algorithm

What is an appropriate data structure or algorithm for producing an immutable concrete syntax tree in a functionally pure manner?

To DRY or not to DRY? On avoiding code duplication and retaining cohesion

Is it unwise to fuzz-test with a cryptographically weak pseudorandom generator?

Any working example of VF2 algorithm?

What is the use case for the atomic exchange (read-write) operation?

How to extract resources from .msi files

What's the difference between arrays of arrays and multidimensional arrays?

How many integers can I create in 1GB memory?

OO Design, open/closed principle question

Sort numbers by sum algorithm

When I'm iterating over two arrays at once, which one do I use as the limit?