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Solving Kepler's Equation computationally

How to avoid many database round trips and a lot of irrelevant data?

convert real number to radicals

How do I find the connected components in a binary image?

Method signature best practices - overloading vs. long name

Buying a machine for continuous integration - key factors?

Sample Problems for Multithreading Practice

Possible to implement a manual increment with just simple SQL INSERT?

Getting a specific digit from a ratio expansion in any base (nth digit of x/y)

Is it safe to use floats as keys of hashtables?

Why do most programming languages use eager evaluation for arguments passed to a function?

Hacks for clamping integer to 0-255 and doubles to 0.0-1.0?

What's a good naming convention for a lookup map/hash? [closed]

Simple excercises for learning a new language


How do different languages handle the "dangling else"?


Why isn't randomized probing more popular in hash table implementations?

finding two most distant elements in a binary tree

Problem calculating overlapping date ranges

Calculating the negabinary representation of a given number without loops

How to separate data validation from my simple domain objects (POCOs)?