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SSH - ksh: git: not found

git ssh ksh bash

KornShell Boolean Conditional Logic

shell unix scripting ksh

If the last column is equal "R" then... Is it possible? In unix

How to get the full pathname of the current shell script?

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how to separate a 10-digit phone number into two parts

sed ksh

Getting exit value of a shell script 255 every time

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How to use mailx to send file as text and add extra text to email body?

shell ksh mailx

Where does the recursive variable expansion in bash/shell numeric contexts come from?

Should I use $(( )) to evaluate arithmetic expressions in ksh?

unix ksh

Newlines at the end "$( .... )" get removed in shell scripts. Why?

shell unix scripting ksh

Unix FIND command in Groovy

Concat variables in Heredoc

Detecting interactive shell within ksh ENV script

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using backreferences regex in sed

regex unix sed ksh aix

suppress the output to screen in shell script

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ksh-style left and right string stripping up to matched expression?

python regex string ksh

How can I have term.el (ansi-term) track directories if using anyhting other than bash

bash emacs ksh zsh ido-mode

how to get day of the year in shell?

linux bash shell ksh