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Too Low CPU Usage of Multithreaded Java Application on Windows

Java 8 String deduplication vs. String.intern()

Where are instance variables of an Object stored in the JVM?

Advanced Code Hot Swapping in JDK 8?

java jvm-hotspot hotswap

How is ArrayOutOfBoundsException possible in String.valueOf(int)?

java jvm java-8 jvm-hotspot

Java 8 reserves minimum 1G for Metaspace despite (Max)MetaspaceSize

AES-NI intrinsics enabled by default?

How do i know which default settings are enabled for Sun JVM?

java jvm jvm-hotspot

Useless test instruction?

Java VM tuning - Xbatch and -Xcomp

Default for XX:MaxDirectMemorySize

How does the JVM decided to JIT-compile a method (categorize a method as "hot")?

java jvm jit jvm-hotspot

How can I code Java to allow SSE use and bounds-check elimination (or other advanced optimizations)?

java PrintCompilation output: what's the meaning of "made not entrant" and "made zombie"

java jit jvm-hotspot

Read Java JVM startup parameters (eg -Xmx)

JIT not optimizing loop that involves Integer.MAX_VALUE

JRockit JVM versus HotSpot JVM

java jvm jvm-hotspot jrockit

-XX:MaxPermSize with or without -XX:PermSize

java jvm jvm-hotspot permgen

What are the differences between JVisualVM and Java Mission Control?

What does the UseCompressedOops JVM flag do and when should I use it?

java memory jvm jvm-hotspot