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JRockit JVM versus HotSpot JVM

If anyone can give me brief information about the advantages and disadvantages of the two JVM since they all depend on the Standard JVM Specification.

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Richeve Bebedor Avatar asked Nov 09 '11 17:11

Richeve Bebedor

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What is the difference between the HotSpot JVM and OpenJ9?

OpenJ9: Switching from HotSpot to OpenJ9 makes ojAlgo faster, ACM slower and EJML fluctuates between roughly the same performance and much slower. It seems OpenJ9 is less stable in its results than HotSpot. Apart from the fluctuations with EJML it widens the gap between the slowest and the fastest code.

What is HotSpot in JVM?

HotSpot is a dynamic compiler. It combines the best features of a JIT compiler and an interpreter, combining the two in a single package. That two-in-one combination provides a number of important benefits for code performance, as you will shortly see.

What is the difference between JRockit and JDK?

The JRockit JDK is very similar, in the file layout, to the Sun JDK, except that it includes a new JRE with the JRockit JVM and some changes to the Java class libraries (however, all of the class libraries have the same behavior in the JRockit JDK as in the Sun JDK).

1 Answers

JRockit was originally developed by Appeal and BEA Systems before being acquired by Oracle to run server software.1 It was meant to be optimized for large applications requiring long running tasks, a lot of memory and a scalable environment, pushing optimizations for these scenarios even further than the Sun HotSpot JVM in server-mode (see also: Real differences between "java -server" and "java -client"?).

Since the acquisition of Sun Microsystems by Oracle, Oracle has communicated on a concrete plan and roadmap to have JRockit and the HotSpot JVM to converge to be a "best of both worlds" implementation, mostly built on HotSpot but integrating the most popular features of JRockit.

In fact, and as mentioned on the same blog, JRockit won't be released as a Java 7 JVM; and some of JRockit's features are being incrementally brought into HotSpot (internally even sometimes now referred to as "HotRockit").

For more details, read:

  • Differences Between BEA JRockit SDK and Sun HotSpot SDK
  • Differences between JVM implementations

1 As partially pulled from Wikipedia on March 3, 2012 at 1.50PM EST.

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haylem Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09
