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Value integrity guarantee for concurrent long writes in 64-bit OpenJDK 7/8

Are objects prefetched from an array of references in Java?

Is memory allocation on the JVM lockless

java jvm bytecode jvm-hotspot

Unexpected VarHandle performance (4X slower than alternatives)

bootstrap class path not set in conjunction with -source 1.6

-XX:+StressLCM, -XX:+StressGCM Options for JVM

java jvm jvm-hotspot java-12

Do most JVMs allocate memory for unused methods?

java jvm jvm-hotspot

Why java.lang.Object.getClass() (and reflection) is slower than usual?

How to debug the openjdk9 by netbeans8.2 in win10?

jvm gdb jvm-hotspot

Bounds Checking in Java

How can I know whether a Java object is in tenure or eden space from heap dump

Which Java HotSpot JIT compiler is running?

java jit jvm-hotspot

What is a de-reflection optimization in HotSpot JIT and how does it implemented?

VarHandle get/setOpaque

Why is Java faster if it repeats the same code?

Determining whether a particular JDK Method typically has an intrinsic implementation

java jvm-hotspot

First time a Java loop is run SLOW, why? [Sun HotSpot 1.5, sparc]

What is current status of Oracle Java HotSpot VM performance options (+UseStringCache, +UseCompressedStrings, +OptimizeStringConcat)

Java vs C# Multithreading performance, why is Java getting slower? (graphs and full code included)

java c# .net file-io jvm-hotspot

Do objects with a lot of reference fields (except arrays) devastate Hotspot JVM's GC(s) heap traversal performance?