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Android application Wi-Fi device - AP connectivity

Oracle's Server JRE Contains JDK?

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Why I can't create an array with large size?

java jvm jvm-hotspot

Strange behaviour of the Hotspot loop condition optimizer

Jvm native code compilation crazyness - I seem to suffer odd performance penalties for some time even after the code is compiled. Why?

How do I disable Java stack frame optimizations, or profile stacks using system profilers?

What's the purpose of including java.lang.Object in an interface's Constant Pool?

IntelliJ Idea tomcat Hot swap failed: schema change not implemented Operation not supported by VM

Where are the native methods of sun.misc.Unsafe implemented?

java jvm openjdk jvm-hotspot

weakCompareAndSwap vs compareAndSwap

HotSpot JIT inlining strategy: top-down or down-top

java inline jit jvm-hotspot

Exact state of committed memory in java

java memory jvm-hotspot

How to get jmap histogram programmatically?

execute new java code in existing jvm process

java jvm-hotspot

Where is object's hash code stored if biased-locking is enabled in HotSpot JVM?

What is the difference between -Xss and -XX:ThreadStackSize?

Is Method area still present in Java 8?

JRE 32bit vs 64bit

java x86 x86-64 jvm-hotspot

Understanding internal fragmentation properties of Hotspot JVM process

unexplained 10%+ performance boost from simply adding a method argument (slimmer jit code)