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Does spring use application.properties in unit test?

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Testing JSON mapping for a Spring Boot RestTemplate client

To find the number of test methods in a JUnit TestCase

java junit

how to partial mock public method using PowerMock?

Is it possible to disable log4j exception output during jUnit tests run?

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How do I share state between JUnit tests?

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SBT doesn't reconize junit testcase written in java file

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how to configure maven to add junit 4.10 instead of 3.8 dependency in new project

How to perform swipe using appium in Java for android native app

Why does junit say my boolean test should be void?

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How to load an external properties file from a maven java project

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Why to use Mockito? [closed]

Integration tests on spring-boot throws Connection refused

Alternatives to the deprecated ExpectedException.none() in JUnit 4.13

using eclipse template to create test cases

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How can I make JUnit let me set variables in one test case and access them in other if they are in the same class


PowerMock EasyMock Fundamentals

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EJB testing with TomEE embedded EJBContainer api: java.lang.ClassFormatError exception

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considering NullPointerException as a unit test failure: is it good practice?

Test that a returned string is of a certain length with Mockito