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java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen with Jenkins and Maven

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How should a unit test deal with expected and unexpected exceptions?

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Why @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class) doesn't work?

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Cucumber Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: cucumber.io.ResourceLoader

Run JUnit test only on Linux

java junit

Is it bad practice to allow my Junit tests to interact with a real DB?

java junit flyway

JUnit/HSQLDB: How to get around errors with Oracle syntax when testing using HSQLDB (no privilege and/or no DUAL object)

Correct way to unit test class with inner class

is the junit jar part of JDK or JRE?

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Java DAO implementation testing

java junit dao hsqldb mockito

Maven - package org.junit does not exist even though dependency added

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Spock mock returns null inside collabolator but not in feature method

junit mocking spock

How do I register beans in camel unit tests that use beans?

Error: java.lang.Exception: No runnable methods


How to test Either from Arrow in functional style

Problem with deserialization of LocalDateTime in Junit test

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How do I set file.encoding for a junit test in ant?

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Can't load ResourceBundle during junit test

java junit resourcebundle

Guava EventBus unit tests

java junit guava

assertTrue statement requires static import in intelliJ IDEA?

java junit intellij-idea