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New posts in jpa-2.0

Using @IdClass for storing entity with composite primary key, but fails to persist

java jpa jpa-2.0

Entity Manager returns duplicate copies of a @OneToMany related Entity

hibernate spring jpa-2.0

JPA query for day ignoring the time

jpa jpa-2.0

Is it possible for a JPA embeddable to contain Embeddable or Collection of Embeddables?

hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

JPA 2.0 (logging and tracing through) with Glassfish 3.0.1 and NetBeans 6.9.1:

Criteria Api: Create null value with CriteriaBuilder

java jpa jpa-2.0 criteria-api

Can't get JPA2 running with Hibernate and Maven

Property not mapped by JPA to column in DB

jpa-2.0 hsqldb

The mystery of Java EE 6 annotations inheritance

How to write this query using JPA Criteria query?

java jpa-2.0

JPA: Give a name to a Foreign Key on DB?

annotations jpa-2.0

Many to Many hibernate inverse side ignored

hibernate jpa-2.0

JPA: defining an index column [duplicate]

jpa indexing jpa-2.0

separating JPA entities from Hibernate-specific tweaks

Execute @PostLoad _after_ eagerly fetching?

jpa-2.0 hibernate3

Is it possible to add wildcards to @Query parameters?


JPA 2.0 Criteria and grouping of Predicates

hibernate jpa orm derby jpa-2.0

C3P0 Configurations! Where and How?