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New posts in jpa-2.0

JPA2 Criteria API .as(String.class) casting to char(1) - How do I work around this?

What's the trick to have my EventListeners trigger for my @ElementCollection properties?

java spring hibernate jpa-2.0

How to count distinct items on specific fields in QueryDSL

java jpa-2.0 querydsl

CDI injection in EntityListeners

Can we use JPA2 annotations to cache associations?

Unidirectional @OneToOne with reversed foreign key

hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

Complex Search Queries JPA

JPA lazy at simple byte[] field level

How to build ElementCollection of Embeddable type?

java hibernate jpa-2.0

Criteria API Path to sub-sub-entity id

jpa-2.0 criteria-api

Get rid of redundant joins produced by subqueries in JPA criteria

@ManyToMany without join table (legacy database)

java sql hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

JPA. How do I subclass existing entity and keep its ID?

java jpa ejb jpa-2.0

Spring 3.1 without persistence.xml gives "Unable to resolve persistence unit root URL"

hibernate spring jpa-2.0

Integration testing with Hibernate Envers

How do I use CriteriaBuilder to write a left outer join when relationship goes the other way?

Criteria Api Vs QueryDsl Vs JPA metamodel

JPA @Version behaviour

hibernate jpa jpa-2.0

Do I need DataSource in JPA Hibernate project?

How to manually set the @Version fields with Hibernate 4?