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New posts in optimistic-locking

How does Hibernate do row version check for Optimistic Locking before committing the transaction

How to handle org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockExceptio

Optimistic locking support in NSIncrementalStore subclass

Domain events and versioning without CQRS

Why does activerecord optimistic locking work only once per row?

can ZooKeeper get znode data and znode data version (stat) in one single operation?

Rails - Optimistic locking always fires StaleObjectError exception

Could there be a deadlock when using optimistic locking?

Optimistic concurrency on multi-table complex entity

Hibernate: Should I include the 'version' field to hashcode() and equals() methods

Getting Stale object error. Optimistic Locking: How does it work?

JPA: How does Read Lock work?

Why should I use Repeatable Read(or higher) isolation level if I need to read version the second time?

ETags and collections

HibernateOptimisticLockingFailureException marks connection as 'closed'?