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New posts in optimistic-concurrency

How to handle org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.OptimisticLockExceptio

Implementing an Event Store with optimistic concurrency checks over multiple clients

Using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TableServicesContext and detecting concurrency update conflicts

Event store and optimistic concurrency

can ZooKeeper get znode data and znode data version (stat) in one single operation?

Azure Table Storage (412) Precondition Failed

Getting latest rowversion/timestamp value in update statement - Sql Server

Understanding Entity Framework optimistic concurrency (database wins) pattern

Hibernate: Should I include the 'version' field to hashcode() and equals() methods

OptimisticConcurrencyException with System.Web.Providers

Entity Framework Optimistic Concurrency Exception not occuring

Does MySQL have an equivalent of SQL Server rowversion?

Are nullable foreign keys allowed in Entity Framework 4?

ConcurrentDictionary's optimistically concurrent Remove method

Is it possible to make conditional inserts with Azure Table Storage

Optimistic concurrency in ADO.NET Entity Framework

Implementing optimistic concurrency on a legacy database

Implementing Optimistic lock using Hibernate and Spring

Concurrency exceptions in Entity Framework