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New posts in jndi

OpenJpa and JNDI

jpa jndi openjpa

Which DataSource for application used both in standalone and webapp context (Java 7, Tomcat 7)?

EJB interface JNDI lookup

Access to Wildfly <system-properties><property> through JNDI

Tomcat 6/7 JNDI with multiple datasources

Liferay portlet non-liferay JNDI data source null

Database connection settings retrieved from a JNDI connection pool

java jdbc commit jndi pooling

How to Authenticate to LDAP using JNDI and Digest-MD5

java encryption ldap md5 jndi

Where can I learn about JNDI strings?

java websphere jndi

Spring Transactions not rolling back on Exception (Oracle JNDI datasource)

oracle spring-mvc jndi

How to configure Java Message Driven Beans and Websphere Activation specification without hardcoded JNDI Names?

Docker - Connect Apache Tomcat web server to MySQL server

java mysql tomcat docker jndi

How to get rid of version number in JNDI names, Jboss EAP 6, EJB 3.1

How to define a JNDI Datasource on Undertow?

JBoss EJB Bean not bound

JndiException when using Hibernate 4.0 with Tomcat 7 when using persistence.xml

java hibernate tomcat jpa jndi

JNDI lookup not working with EJB 3.x

Why can't @Value inject a JNDI value from the Environment?

spring tomcat jndi

How do I connect to a Websphere Datasource with a given JNDI name?

What is the relationship between java:comp/env and java:global?