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Ant Build Android Project With Dependencies

Jenkins service starts then stops on Windows 7


MSDeploy - sync command to copy files to subfolder of iis app

Relevance of specifying Tool Locations in Jenkins Node Configuration


Jenkins - Increase number of executors for one job only

Can't find config.xml anywhere within Jenkins folder

How to detect in Jenkins Workflow if parameterized build parameter exists or not?

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Jenkins inside docker loses configuration when container is restarted

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Jenkins: Is there any API to see test reports remotely?

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How do you run Jenkins job traffic through a proxy?

Jenkins JUnit plugin gives error "ERROR: No test report files were found. Configuration error?"

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How to "Scan Repository Now" from a Jenkinsfile


Jenkins pipeline, how can I copy artifact from previous build to current build?

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Ansible jenkins_plugin module returns "HTTP Error 403: No valid crumb was included in the request"

Docker Jenkins fails to load plugins

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How to get name of distribution identity from .p12 file

Jenkins can not build with Maven. Might be proxy-issue

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how to add Javascript files to Jenkins jelly file?

Jenkins war deployment to Tomcat 7

What's the syntax to create a Serializable Groovy Class for Jenkins Workflow/Pipeline