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How to pass the value to Ansible playbook from Jenkins

Execute SonarQube Scanner within Jenkins 2 Pipeline

How can i transfer all installed plugins to another jenkins?


Push to Nexus 3 NuGet-repository from Jenkins CI without being asked for credentials

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Hudson on Windows: what is better - Ant files or Batch files?

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Quickly testing Jelly templates in email-ext of Jenkins

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Configure Jenkins 2.0 with Ansible

Jenkins Read a Specific Line of a File in Jenkinsfile with Groovy

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Skipping a stage in jenkins pipeline without invoking agent?

Unable to see Jenkins Credentials values

Unable to install suggested plugins of jenkins on docker

Pass environment variables to Ant build.xml from Jenkins?

How do I set a Jenkins environment variable based on a job parameter?


S3 Copy artifacts with Jenkins pipeline

Jenkins Docker Set Admin Password from Environment Variable

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Pass variable path in dir() jenkins pipeline

Jenkins CLI : ERROR: anonymous is missing the Overall/Read permission

Jenkins Pipeline Conditional Environmental Variables

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kotlin.KotlinNullPointerException (no error message) while building APK using Jenkins