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New posts in jenkins-plugins

Run Jenkins build when git commit is done

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SCM Sync configuration plugin doesn't commit/push

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Add parameter "Build Selector for Copy Artifact" using Jenkins DSL

Spark-version-info.properties not found in jenkins

Jenkins role based authentication - user is missing overall/read permissions

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Jenkins Pipeline sshPublisher: How to get exit code and output of execCommand?

EC2/AWS, Jenkins, Git, SSH

What are the options for release management using Jenkins

Jenkins does not getting the latest commit

How to pass ${CHANGES} to downstream job?

Create a Job DSL that creates a new job in the same View

Jenkins Priority Sorter Plugin - How to use BuildPriority Parameter

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Variable substitution in Jenkins plugin

Jenkins SSH plugin: Parameterizing remote host

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Change number of executors on existing Jenkins node by script

Running sequentially job tasks on several environments using Jenkins

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How to set Jenkins environment variable from script

Get URL of Job in mail body in Jenkins

Jenkins powershell plugin always builds successfully

Use PyLint on Jenkins with Warnings Plugin and Pipeline