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New posts in jenkins-plugins

monitor the amount of requests openstack4j does

Which plugin should I use when replacing FindBugs with SpotBugs on Jenkins?

Jenkins stapler requests fail with no valid crumb

Jenkins running selenium tests without opening browser

Build and run unit-tests with two distinct jobs

Allow build-step plugin to be run more than once

jenkins jenkins-plugins

Jenkins - Publish Over CIFS Plugin not transfering files which exist in folders with spaces in the name

Jenkins parameterized downstream build trigger plugin - only on certain branch?

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Understanding jacoco report

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Is it possible to make Jenkins create workers from attached clouds faster?

Jenkins EnvInject plugin - Environment variable value containing multiple lines

Edit workspace files via jenkins UI

Jenkins And NodeJS Plugin - Permission Denied Error=13

How can I configure Jenkins Gerrit Trigger event to exclude a file path?

Java API for Jenkins

Jenkins job dependency/relationship

Jenkins and updating git submodules

Jenkins: Display last console output on project page

jenkins jenkins-plugins

Check Jenkins job status after triggering a build remotely

Jenkins (Windows) very slow Git fetch