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Jenkins Pipeline sshPublisher: How to get exit code and output of execCommand?

Using Jenkins Pipeline's sshPublisher plugin ("publish over ssh"), is it possible to get the exit code and output of the command ran with execCommand (after artifacts have been transferred over)?

I'm using the plugin as follows:

script {
    echo "Sending artifacts to machine at " + remoteDirectory

    // Use of the ssh publisher plugin over SSH
        failOnError: false,
        publishers: [
                configName: "my-drive",
                transfers: [
                        sourceFiles: mySourceFilesList,
                        remoteDirectory: remoteDirectory,
                        flatten: true,
                        execCommand: commandToExec,
                        execTimeout: 1800000
                sshRetry: [
                    retries: 0
    // How can I get the output of execCommand?
    // If the exit code was 1, I want to perform some special steps
    // I'd also like to include the output of the command in these steps

The wiki page here says (this is old and from 2011 though):

STDOUT and STDERR from the command execution are recorded in the Jenkins console.

like image 253
Katie Avatar asked Oct 16 '22 06:10


1 Answers

It is a "No" (can't be sure, but I try every thing I can).
And now I'm happy with this script ssh user@nas01 su -c "/path/to/command1 arg1 arg2"

like image 96
Đinh Anh Huy Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Đinh Anh Huy