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New posts in jekyll

Is it possible to have a GitHub repo with two branches that contain different directories on my local machine?

git github jekyll

Jekyll multiple post types

jekyll static-site

How does one downgrade jekyll to work with github pages?

ruby rubygems jekyll bundler

What is a static site generator?

jekyll static-site

Filter posts by category in Jekyll


Dynamic Includes


jekyll serve and launch

bash jekyll

How can I change the blog post URL of a Jekyll website?


Gulp - throw err cannot find module 'q'

node.js npm gulp jekyll

Setting Jekyll environment for GitHub Pages

How do I make Jekyll exclude my config.rb for SASS?


Jekyll defaults to system Ruby version instead of RVM version

ruby rvm jekyll

What's the difference between 'bundle exec jekyll serve' and 'jekyll serve'?

ruby jekyll bundler

How to make GitHub Pages Markdown support mermaid diagram?

How can jekyll judge whether it is a page or a post?

jekyll markdown UTF-8

Is it possible to schedule posts with Jekyll?

blogs jekyll static-pages

jekyll serve (locally) without building

html node.js jekyll

jekyll 3.1.6 | Error: uninitialized constant Jekyll::Filters::URLFilters

ruby jekyll

How to separate Jekyll posts into two different folders?
