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How to stop a jekyll local server

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How can I compare a string's size / length in Jekyll's Liquid templates?

Return list of files in directory from Jekyll plugin?

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Is there a way to make github pages support org-mode?

How can I keep Jekyll from adding whitespace in highlight?

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How to create a liquid tag extension which return filename in Jekyll

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Filtering posts using categories in Jekyll-Bootstrap

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"There isn't a GitHub Pages site here."

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Make Jekyll ignore some HTML files

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Markdown Jekyll: Insert an iframe that fills the container

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GitHub Pages trailing slashes

How do I get in-line code with Jekyll and Pygments?

jekyll: Invalid Date: '' is not a valid datetime

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Does the installation of Jekyll need GCC on OSX?

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Order an array with Jekyll / liquid template

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How do I use Jekyll in a subdirectory?

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Error installing nokogiri

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Customize automatically generated TOC on jekyll/kramdown site

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Lists in markdown table (with Jekyll)

How to set size/rotate image in jekyll?