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New posts in jekyll

Overriding CSS on github pages using slate theme?

css jekyll github-pages

How do you install Jekyll on OSX?

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jekyll - make a list of page.tags

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How to group posts by date on home page in Jekyll?

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can't find executable jekyll for gem jekyll --- Jekyll Cannot be executed


Jekyll blog posts on non index.html pages

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Output the page URL in Jekyll?


Ignore a specific tag in Jekyll

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Jekyll serve "Error: Invalid argument" issue

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In Jekyll, can we group multiple collections inside the same folder?

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Installing Jekyll on Ubuntu 14.04

Trailing zero's in Jekyll/Liquid

jekyll liquid

Absolute email address on Jekyll

How do I stop GitHub from regenerating Jekyll site?

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Jekyll index.html that uses 3 different _layouts


Ruby error: cannot load such file -- wdm (LoadError)

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Jekyll - Liquid Exception: Unknown operator forloop

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Jekyll doesn't compile scss files with `jekyll serve`

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How do you sort site.tags by post count in Jekyll?

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Jekyll - declare image path in front matter as variable using {{ site.url }}

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