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New posts in email-address

Email validation with particular extensions?

Parse RFC 2822 email addresses in Java

How many sub-domain are allowed for an Email Id?

.NET SmtpClient: Is there a way to make sure that all emails resolve prior to sending MailMessage?

Send Email to Multiple Addresses Android

android email-address

Absolute email address on Jekyll

Historically, why were the RFCs about email addresses made so complicated? [closed]

Is there a way to see which email address a contact form is sending it content to

Facebook API: is it possible to get a user's public profile data by email address? [duplicate]

Regular Expression for domain from email address

.net regex email-address

How to copy email address in outlook 2007

Regex validation of email addresses according to RFC5321/RFC5322

Mysql-how to update the "domain.com" in "address@domain.com"

mysql email email-address

Are international characters (e.g. umlaut characters) valid in the local part of email addresses?

May I safely treat email addresses lower case?

Email addresses inside URL

url email-address

Does e-mail obfuscation really make automatic harvesting harder?

Protect e-mail address with CSS only

Check that email address is valid for System.Net.Mail.MailAddress

Extract all email addresses from bulk text using jquery