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.NET SMTPClient - where is pending outgoing mail stored?

What is the google smtp service similar to amazon ses, is it gmail smtp?

Using CDO/SMTP/TLS in VB6 to send email smtp.office365.com mail server

Set Content-Transfer-Encoding to Quoted-printable with .NET MailMessage

c# .net smtpclient

Mailkit does not authenticate with credentials

smtpClient doesn't read the Web.config

Does SmtpClient.Send with attachments included hold a lock on the attached file?

c# email smtp smtpclient

Authenticating with a non-compliant SMTP server

c# .net smtpclient

File are corrupted when Attaching them to MailMessage C#

c# .net attachment smtpclient

Third-party vs System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient

Send Email Using Smtp Client with Mandrill

Why won't SmtpClient authenticate in my powershell script?

.NET 4.5 SMTP Client Dot Stuffing Issue when Delivering to Pickup Directory

c# smtp smtpclient mailmessage

.NET sending using SmtpClient with Mandrill SMTP fails

.net smtpclient mandrill

SmtpClient.SendMailAsync method is hanging when sending a big amount of mails

c# async-await smtpclient

System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException: Mailbox name not allowed

asp.net smtpclient

SmtpClient.SendAsync blocking my ASP.NET MVC Request