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Jekyll: Generate an include once and include it to all pages

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Github Jekyll site builds locally but ignores header tags online

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Adding E-Commerce to a Jekyll site

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Construct Hash in Jekyll/Liquid

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Applying multiple layouts to same collection item in jekyll


Using Jekyll for Website without Blog

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How to use Jekyll-paginate without index.html?

How to include a HTML file inside a markdown file in jekyll?

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Can I generate navigation from folder structure with Jekyll?


How do you programmatically apply a CSS class to paragraphs in Jekyll?

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Which Jekyll plugins are whitelisted by GitHub Pages?

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Jekyll tags that have spaces or multiple words

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How can I change the default font for a Jekyll website

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Jekyll site works locally but not on Github Pages

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How to paginate categories in Jekyll with Github Pages?

Jekyll says Liquid Exception: invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII in documentation.html

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js and css not loading when hosting next application on GitHub pages

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Jekyll array contains check

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How to access objects in Jekyll array?

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Jekyll - Using relative URLs for post.url

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