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How to separate Jekyll posts into two different folders?



I have a _posts folder and I just want a simple way to separate the posts in the folder into two different folders, and not have any permalink changes, for purely organizational reasons.

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ThomasReggi Avatar asked Dec 21 '12 23:12


2 Answers

Just create subdirectories in your _posts directory; the subdirectories will be ignored when Jekyll generates permalinks.

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seliopou Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11


I recently did this to my _posts folder because I have over 200 files. I decided to create folders that represent each year I have a posts for. Doing this though, broke post_url. The error is something like as follows when you run jekyll build

Liquid Exception: Could not find post "blah-blah" in tag 'post_url'. Make sure the post exists and the name is correct. in _posts/2007/blah-blah.md

I had to go back in and where ever I used post_url, I had to add /year/ in front of each post url links.


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w1n78 Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 05:11
