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New posts in jdk1.6

Experience with JDK 1.6.x G1 ("Garbage First")

Eclipse crashes at startup; Exit code=13

java eclipse jdk1.6 exit-code

Do i have to install jdk win64?

Affect the order of NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces enumeration in Java 6 on Linux

java linux networking jdk1.6

Servlet.service() throws ClassCastException

Downgrade Eclipse ant to compile while using older JDK libraries (Java 1.7 -> 1.6)

java eclipse ant jdk1.6 java-7

How do I Pipe process output to a file on Windows and JDK 6u45

Difference between hh:mm a and HH:mm a

@override annotation in JDK 1.6

Closing a RandomAccessFile sometimes takes exactly 45 seconds

Why does ThreadPoolExecutor reduce threads below corePoolSize after the keepAliveTime?

Ant Build Error in Eclipse IDE for Java

eclipse ant junit jdk1.6

How many characters can a Java StringBuilder hold?

Error: type parameters of <T>T cannot be determined during Maven Install

java eclipse maven jdk1.6

Using Java 6, on linux how can I make sure to use an ipv4 socket?

java linux networking jdk1.6

How does JDK 6 regexp compare with org.apache.regexp?

java jdk1.6 regex java-6

Add warning for missing @Override annotation for interface implementation in Eclipse

eclipse eclipse-3.4 jdk1.6

XercesImpl in conflict with JavaSE 6's internal xerces implementation. Both are needed... what can be done?

Play framework - how to fix UnsupportedClassVersionError on JRE 6?

How to solve JDK issue unexpected at this time

java jdeveloper jdk1.6