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New posts in java-native-interface

No JNI_Onload() found and VM shutting down

JNI call to Java function returning an Object results in NoSuchMethodError

Mac + jni + java

Error with jni (java6) and X25 native code (C language) when code uses system call "connect()" on Solaris 5.9

errors when trying to initialize vm_args

C++ application with JNI throws an error "jvm.dll not found . re-installing the application could fix ...."

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when getting image array

`std::vector` throws a "bad allocation" exception when resized

Connecting between C++ istream/ostream and Java InputStream/OutputStream in JNI

java code for reading image instead of getting frame

Using pre-built libraries and jni in Android Studio

Proper shutdown of JVM when launching from C++

How does a JNI DLL search for its dependent native DLL?

Hello-jni sample doesn't work in Android Studio 2.0 Preview

QT/QML Android App, open app when click notification bar

Java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for int [duplicate]

How to copy data from char buffer into jbyteArray and return it from C to java in java native interface(JNI)?


JVM does not work as expected with JNI C++ code containing a class named "Node"

Get events from OS

Send custom object using Android native Binder