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New posts in java-native-interface

Cannot cast object '[]' with class 'java.util.HashSet'

Can I store the JNI Java Env variable?

Blocking Dialog from within JNI code

How to return a java string in C++ using JNI

How to keep a C++ object inside Java code? Possible?

NetBeans Development 7 - Windows 7 64-bit … JNI native calls ... a how to guide

C++ Java wrapper construction with JNI

Create ArrayList<String> Object in JNI


Sharing a JavaVM* across threads in Android NDK

Calling C# dll from Java

Android JNI native C function call kills activity

Best approach to load multiple native libraries in Android App

Converting JNI Java byte[] to C++ bytearray, returning 0

How to call a Java method from C++ / JNI which takes an Android Context parameter

Compiling Android JNI for OpenCV on Mac OSX

Effeciently transfer large amount of byte data from C++ to Java

Android NDK unable to debug native code with two gradle plugins

How to diagnose Java JNI EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors in Windows Vista

JNI: converting unsigned int to jint

extern "Java" block in GCC