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AdMob Ads not correctly showing in Android SDL app

How do i call C/C++ code from Android using JNA?

Android - setRequestedOrientation - Activity and views lifecycle

JNI Callback to Java using Interface

Any suggestion on how to improve the performance of a Java String to byte[] conversion?

JNI new primitive types

Simple typemap example in swig java

Build a JNI DLL using MINGW

JNI object references obtained through the Invocation API: local or global?

Trouble calling on a Java method from a native thread using JNI (C++)

Change Activity with JNI Call or using Openfeint causes App-Crash

Check for presence of optional field or method in Java Class from JNI code

Unable to load .so library files when making a system application

Return object from java native method

"GetObjectClass" method and "FindClass" method difference and usage

How to convert char* to jcharArray in JNI

How does Surface handle garbage collection after being parcelled on Android?

Return code of JNI_CreateJavaVM

How to add a package declaration to java generated by SWIG

JNI strings and C strings