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New posts in java-native-interface

'Failed to load the JNI shared library "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin\client\jvm.dll" '

How to get the message from a Java exception caught in JNI

Passing 2d array from C++ to Java and back to C++

Undefined modules when switching to a newer version of android ndk

JNI Invocation API - NoClassDefFoundError (C/Java)

Android - How to enable CheckJni for NDK development?

jni convert string to char array

c++ java-native-interface

How to resolve "Could not find JNI", building OpenCV on Raspberry Pi?

Load Native Library from Class path

Using JNIEnv::FindClass: do I need to free the returned jclass reference?

c++ java-native-interface

Get Strings used in Java from JNI

How to build a shared library without JNI in Android?

Stop Java thread which call JNI function

Returning `const char*` from native code and getting `String` in java

Autoconf test for JNI include dir

g++: How to unmangle exported symbols

64 bit linking of an object file

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError returned when calling native method

JNI GetMethodId return null

use libcryto.so and libssl.so in an android project?